
Xpertex re-certified for ISO9001:2015

Information security and smart networking specialist company Xpertex has been successfully re-certified for ISO9001:2015.

ISO9001 is a global standard for Quality Management Systems (QMS). A certified organisation has satisfied assessors of the use of a QMS to manage process, products and services and oversee quality and risk. Continuous improvement is integral to annually retaining ISO9001 certification.

Assessed by visiting independent QMS auditors, Xpertex passed with flying colours and no rectifications. This success gives confidence to Xpertex customers and stakeholders that it is performing process management to an internationally recognised standard of excellence.

Significantly, the past year has been one of significant internal change and external challenge. Xpertex has made a large investment and pan-enterprise commitment to a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system which ensures smarter, more timely business processes. Additionally, the global challenge of the Covid pandemic and the national lockdown meant that Xpertex had to act with speed and agility to ensure continuous and successful operation. The ability of Xpertex to handle these changes and pass its ISO9001:2015 audit with no deficiencies is impressive.

This achievement complements ISO27001 (Information Security Management), which was awarded to Xpertex in January 2020 and Cyber Essentials Plus (a UK government information assurance scheme), which was re-awarded in May 2020.

Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer, Simon Doyle commented, “The re-certification process for ISO9001 is a significant endeavour and a good reflection on the work of my Operations team. I’d like to thank our team and consultants who assisted with our ERP adoption and roll-out for their hard work and focus on positive outcomes during the last 12 months. We have operated with poise and focus during a very testing time for our customers and stakeholders, the re-certification is proof of how seriously we have taken quality management, business continuity and risk mitigation.”

About Xpertex
Formed in 2006, Xpertex has helped clients in defence, financial services, education, retail, central and local government deal with secure IT project delivery and highly complex cyber and information security challenges. Today, its core business are Cyber & Information Security, Secure Product Fulfilment, and Secure Government.

Technology and vendor agnostic, Xpertex efficiently provides information security services for organisations large and small, that are robust, flexible, and effective. Our security focus always starts with an organisation’s human factors, in other words, its people, culture and processes, to which we then create the appropriate technology fit.

Xpertex builds long term relationships with customers, acting as a trusted advisor. We immerse ourselves in your business and add value with an up-front in-depth analysis of your requirements, to provide sustainable and strategic solutions, quickly and flexibly.


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